El acuerdo de Viernes Santo: Una oportunidad para la paz en Irlanda del Norte

El acuerdo de Viernes Santo: Una oportunidad para la paz en Irlanda del Norte


El Viernes Santo de 1998 será siempre recordado como el inicio de una nueva era y una oportunidad para la paz en Irlanda del Norte. Ese acuerdo de paz cumple hoy 25 años.

Ha sido un placer trabajar en este vídeo que repasa el pasado y presente de Irlanda del Norte con el ex Primer Ministro irlandés John Bruton – quien participó en las negociaciones -, ciudadanos de Belfast de diversas edades que lo vivieron y sufrieron de primera mano, el líder del EPP Group en el Parlamento Europeo Manfred Weber y el eurodiputado irlandés Seán Kelly.

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In the worst times of the Troubles, the routine for many people in Northern Ireland was checking the news to learn where the latest bombing or shooting happened, Andy remembers. Many – like Neal and Peter – grew up in this climate of violence. The signing of the Good Friday (Belfast) Agreement brought hope for a better future. Daisy recalls how her mother cried tears of emotion when she saw John Hume and David Trimble shaking hands following the referendum on the Agreement. It was the first step towards peace that has now lasted 25 years. An agreement that is now a symbol of conflict resolution world-wide. Thanks to those leaders who made it possible, we have a prosperous Northern Ireland today, despite the challenges posed by Brexit. As told by the people of Northern Ireland here, with a deeply pro-European sentiment. Also by former Taoiseach John Bruton, who participated in the negotiations that led to the end of 30 years of terror. From the heart of Europe, we join them in celebrating the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Good Friday Agreement.

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